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Mobile Apps Markets: Developer Satisfaction

One of the five critical components of a successful developer program is the path to market for application developers. In this research series we talk each month to the top developers in one of three mobile markets: Nokia’s Ovi Store, Google’s Android Marketplace, and Apple’s App Store. Please email us at [email protected] for information on subscriptions and related advisory services.

July 2010 - Report #1 Nokia Ovi Store
We contacted 350 of Nokia’s top developers, as defined by their own Ovi Store rankings. Over 100 of these developers completed our survey and many were eager to share their observations, suggestions, and frustrations. Overall the result was positive… by comparison to past experience. Developers agreed that Ovi was improving. But many challenges lie ahead for Nokia in making Ovi a success.
report available now on Scribd:
Ovi Store Continues to Improve but Significant Challenges Remain

August 2010 - Report #2 Google Android Marketplace
September 2010 - Report #3 Apple Apps Marketplace

In each of the following 3 months we will return to these stores for an update and chart progress. Marketplace comparisons will begin with Report #2.

OPEN 2020

OPEN 2020 is a collaborative research initiative, bringing together a group of companies interested in understanding the emerging structure of the digital economy. The goal of our work together is to develop a set of likely scenarios for the decade ahead, taking into consideration the best thinking in economics, sociology, and technology, in order to inform decision making about how our businesses must evolve to respond to the challenges ahead.


Open-First has an extensive research team and methodology. The attached slideshare presentation is an overview of our capabilities and provides examples of work done for past clients.