Every company must think of itself as a publisher. You have information locked up inside your company today that would benefit your suppliers and customers if only you could set it free.
Our Open Data methodology helps companies expose relevant data and improve relationships with their community and customers. Open-First can provide business analysis, technical resources, implementation, and recommendation services to assist in every aspect of building an open data strategy.
- Identify information assets
- Develop a business model for delivery to your market
- Evaluate technical strategies for publishing (web, API, etc)
- Define all components needed for program to succeed (community development, technical support, marketplace creation…
- Project management and development
- Communications strategy and implementation
- Ongoing community support
The Real Time Web
April 20th, 2010 Stanford University
Come hear Dr. Andreas Weigend at the Stanford Graduate School of business leading a panel on the real time web and social data - more information
There is an open data movement afoot around the world…